If you want to browse the web from a computer on your LAN, the request does not go straight to the web server on the Internet. While each device on your LAN has its own IP address, from the Internet (outside of your private network/LAN), every request coming from computers on your LAN appears to be coming from the single publicly visible IP address assigned to your router by your Internet Service Provider. Network Address Translation (NAT) is a technology enabled in your router that allows each device on your local area network to have its own IP address. HDOnTap requires access to port 80 (HTTP) to configure settings within the camera and port 554 (RTSP) to pull a live stream from the camera. Which Ports does HDOnTap require access to? When you access your webcam using a web browser, you typically connect to the webcam over port 80. When your computer talks to a website, it talks to the server holding the website data over port 80 which is a common port for HTTP or HTML internet traffic. Programs and services running on your computer or webcam use specific ports for specific services.

Ports are essentially endpoints to logical connections between computers and devices on the internet. It is used quite often to enable remote access (Access when not on or connected to your LAN) to webcams for the purpose of remotely monitoring, controlling and streaming live video. Port forwarding is a method or service enabled in your router to make computers and other devices on your local area network (LAN) reachable by computers and devices on the public Internet. ) that you can use to establish RDP connections without using your IP address.This port forwarding tutorial is provided to help you understand what port forwarding is, why it is required, and the basics on setting up port forwarding in your router to allow remote access to webcams on your local area network (LAN) also known as your private network.

You’ll also need to provide a hostname (eg.
#How to portforward a router Pc
Once port forwarding is active, you should be able to make Remote Desktop connections over the internet as long as the port forwarding rule is active, your PC is switched on and connected to your router, your internet connection is active, and your public IP address remains the same. Mapping Your IP Address Using a Dynamic DNS Service You should be able to connect to your PC remotely using your public IP address and RDP port number, with your network router forwarding the requests to your PC. With the RDP port mapped, port forwarding should be active and ready to allow Remote Desktop connections over the internet.